Monday, August 29, 2011

A New Brother

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Maki!
 August 19th was an absolutely wonderful day;
the day my sister-in-law Hannah became the wife of Josh Maki, thus making him our new brother!
They are perfect for each other.  I love the verse they chose for their wedding programs:

I will praise thee for ever,
because thou hast done it...
Psalm 52:9
 She was a gorgeous bride, he a handsome groom, and the wedding was so beautiful.
And they are so happy!

 I loved being a bridesmaid for the very first time!
It included several firsts; first manicure and pedicure, first makeup, and first styled hair-do. 
I felt like a princess!
And the dresses and flowers were so pretty.

 It was so fun to see family and friends again.  It was just sad that Papa wasn't there.

The Miller siblings and Mama
I'm so glad we were able to be a part of their special day.
Marriage is such a wonderful gift from God.
Welcome to the family, Josh, and best wishes to the newlyweds as you begin your new life together!

(Thanks to my sisters who took these pictures!)

Bridal Party

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