Part of our snowy backyard |
Here I am
posting this half-way through February. I never wrote down a list
of goals specifically for January, but this is pretty much what it would
have looked like. I am stepping out of my comfort zone in posting
this, so please do not be too hard on me! January was a bit different than I/we had
anticipated...Everyone except me came down with a bad cough that lasted
for weeks. Also, I got to learn to cook a little differently for hubby
who switched to a strict diet for a health issue. (Thankfully, everyone
is much better now.) Add to all that the fact that sometimes it is just so difficult to be disciplined, so easy to be lazy and...you get the idea. Enough excuses, here goes...
Read through the Bible in a year (using the plan you can download here)
(I was slightly behind on this at the end of the month.)
Focus on punctuality, organization and consistency in my
life (Ongoing, and many failures, but I am starting to see some good fruit.)
Blog 1-2 times a week (Missed one week, but otherwise I met this goal.)
Lose 7 pounds (Only lost about 5 pounds. However I am feeling more fit, so maybe I gained some muscle?? :) )
Exercise 4-5 times a week (Exercised more like three times a week, but crossing it off anyway.)
(Did this for about 2-1/2 weeks. Interesting!)
Memorize basically two verses of Colossians per week) (Started mid-month)
Read a book (This did not happen.)
Put together a homemaking binder (This is a work in progress, but I got it started!)
Utilize a menu plan and cleaning schedule (I have loosely implemented a cleaning schedule; still need to do a menu plan.)
(Did not do this except for incorporating one of the exercises into my work-out routine.)
Go to bed by 10:30 PM (Bombed this one.)
Try at least one new recipe each week (Tried many new recipes this month, just not necessarily each week.)
Journal a bit about every day (Hardly did this.)
Take a photo of our everyday life at least once a week (Basically accomplished this.)
Go on an overnight get-away (This was so fun! You can read about it here.)
Have a date night (Our overnight get-away counted as this.)
Read a marriage book together (Did not happen.)
Be better about having lunches on hand for hubby to take to
work (I have been a bit better about this.)
Seek ways to bless my husband (Ongoing, and I need to do better.)
Cut way back on eating refined sugar and refined carbs (Made huge strides here.)
Visit my grandparents (Maybe this month, February)
Do preschool with our 4 year-old (Did some, but not consistently.)
Read to our boys daily (Did not do this daily.)
Play with the boys more (Need to be better about this.)
Spend regular one-on-one time with each of our boys (Need to be better here, too.)
Help our boys memorize Bible verses (We just did a little review.)
Continue attending our church’s monthly Ladies Bible Study (Bible Study was cancelled due to weather.)
Become more involved in our church (A work in progress)
Have someone over to our home (Had all my sisters over!)
Send birthday and anniversary cards to extended family (Did this.)
Send a note to an elderly friend (Oops, did not get this done.)
Hold a fun sister get-together with all my sisters (We are planning another one for the summer!)
Start saving for a family vehicle to replace our car (Savings started.)
Sell some big items on Craigslist (We sold one item!)
Improvement Goals
Remove the old house from our place (This did not work out. Will wait until spring.)
Finish the decks (Did not happen, and there is too much snow now.)
Finish siding the garage (The last bit of siding Josh ordered to finish this project was all damaged when we received it, so it had to be returned.)
There you have it. I am encouraged by the progress. It is disheartening to see all the areas I did not do well in, but I will press on! Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Did you make head-way in your goals for the year? I would love to hear about it!